WIESŁAW HOŁDYS - founder and artistic director of Theatre Mumerus.
Born 1958 in Cieszyn - a divided city on the Polish-Czech border (Silesia).
He now lives and works in Krakow. His theatre adventures started as a child,
play-acting in Cieszyn's puppet theatre "Brownies". He studied Theatre Studies
at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (diploma in 1984), and stage directing
at the State High Theatre's School in Krakow (diploma in 1988). He has worked as
a stage director in many theatres in Poland, creating works inspired by old
polish literature ("The World Upside Down", "Master Polycarp is Talking to
Death", "The Baroque" "Miracle Plays"), surrealistic ("All Devils Street", "The
Small Illustrated Hearse"), German literature ("The Little Mahagonny" by Brecht
and Weill, "Woyzeck" by Bűchner, "America" based on the novel by Franz Kafka),
Russian literature ("The Bug" by Majakovsky, "Moskva - Pietushki" based on the
novel by Jerofiejew, "The Dead Souls" and "The Petersburg's Stories" based on
stories by Gogol).. His productions for children include "Pinocchio" (Collodi),
"Alice in Wonderland" (Lewis Carroll), "The Director of the Marionette Theatre"
(H.C. Andersen), "Mr.Huu" (Hannu Mäkela). He has also directed TV productions.
He writes the scenarios and adaptations for the majority of his productions
himself. For example, the play "365 Dinners" was an old cooking book, which he
adapted for the stage. He has lead many workshops in Poland and other countries.
Texts for theatre projects, set designing, and photography are also among his
accomplishments. For his artistic achievements, Wieslaw Holdys has received
several prizes in Poland.
, actress.Born 1959. She graduated High State Theatre Shool in Wrocław (diploma 1983 – role in performance “Democracy – Copulation – Revolution” based on “(Marat/Sade” by Peter Weiss).Her professional career includes engagements in the Teatr Polski and Teatr Współczesny in Wrocław and in the Teatr Muzyczny in Gdynia and Teatr Ludowy in Cracow.She have performed in numerous film and theatrical roles, including “The Man from the Marble”, “Yvonne, the Princess of Burgundia” and “Hamlet”. She have taken part in many charity performances and events for handicapped, orphaned and poor children.Presently she is active animating theatrical art and organising artistically events, aimed at cultural and drama education of children and youth.MAURYCY J. KIN (born 1965), sound engineer, musician, composer, and scientist at the Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics Wrocław University of Technology. Member of Audio Engineering Society, Teatr MUMERUS Association and Polish Acoustical Society. Specialist in psychoacoustics (Ph.D. thesis finished in 1998) and recording (SMT Studio). In his work, Mr. Kin uses non-conventional methods of recordings connected to psychoacoustic aspects of sound perception (dummy head technique and multi-layered microphone shots). His major artwork contains recording and mastering of Mirosław Rajkowski's overtone singing (album "Extatic levitation") and many musical pieces for galleries (OMAGIE by J. Olek and W. Liszkowski, presented at the Festival of Polish Contemporary Music Musica Polonica Nova, February 1998, Wrocław Dimensionlessness of Illusion by J. Olek) and actions ("The Pyramid of Seeing" by W. Szymański). Since 1989 he has been a leader of informal "Wednesday Radio" musical band which recorded many albums and some music materials for MUMERUS Theatre.
ZBIGNIEW MACHEJ -Poet, translator, cultural manager, diplomat, member of PEN-club. Graduated from Polish philology (1982) and comparative religion (1987) at Jagiellonian University in Cracow, worked as a teacher, journalist, director of a culture centre, co-operates with Polish literary magazines (Krasnogruda, Literatura naŚwiecie) and cultural institutions (Borderland Centre in Sejny, Ars Cameralis Silesiae Superioris, Biuro Literackie, Mumerus). Now he lives in Prague (Czech Republic) and works as a programme director of Polish Institute. Published 8 collections of poems (the first one – 1980), publishes poetry for children and translations of Czech poetry, his poems were translated into English, German, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Slovenian. One of his poems was published byCzesław Miłoszin his anthology of poetry: “Book of the Luminous Things”.
JACEK MILCZANOWSKI, actor. Born in 1961. He graduated Theatre Academy in Cracow.Actor, author of scripts and adaptations, co-founder and chairman of the Free Theatres Association STEN in Cracow. Between 1984 and 1997 he worked as an actor at Juliusz Slowacki’ Theatre in Krakow.He is also collaborating with independent theatre groups, like Mandala Theatre, Traditional Theatre, Dialog Association, Mumerus Theatre Association.He was taking active part in numerous national and international theatre festivals.All in all it was about one hundred different movie, theatre, and TV roles.He was participating in Internationale Forum junger Bühnenagehöriger Berlin 1994.
DOROTA MORAWETZ, set-designer. She studied Histrory of Art at Jagellonian University and Stage Design in Academy of Fine Arts of Cracow. Graduated in 1987, collabore with differents theatres in Poland, design decorations and costumes. For his work she received a several prices in theatre festivals in Poland. As the bursar of French Goverment she passed three monts in Theatre de la Colline at Paris. She is also author of her own spectacle-performance “Recyklaże” /1997/ and design collections of unique fashion.
– actor.Born in 1974. He graduated Theatre Academyin Wrocław (1999) and L’art. Studio in Cracow.1996. He has worked in Teatr im. Solskiego in Tarnów. He has worked in Theatre Mumerus since spring 2002.ROBERT ŻUREK – actor.
Born in 1973. He graduated The High State Theatre School in Cracow in 1996. He has worked in Teatr im. Solskiego in Tarnów. Co-founder and vice-president of Theatre Mumerus where he has played in all productions. He took part in contemporary dance workshops organised by Polish Dance Theatre in Poznań. He also leads theatre workshops for children and youth. ![]() |
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© 2000Wiesław Hołdys
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ostatnie zmiany -18-02-2004 - last update